Q-Gears Kft.
1141 Budapest, Álmos Vezér útja 5/b.
Tel: +36 30 378 6914
About us
QGears was founded in 2010 by experienced software engineers to apply their expertise in challenging projects. Nowadays, the company continues to grow rapidly, always looking for creative talent.
Over the years, our engineers have worked with a number of multi-national and hungarian clients. We have developed an extensive expertise portfolio, with highlights in software development for mobile devices, model-driven development, domain-specific modeling languages -- all centered around Eclipse technology. Nowadays, our most important research and product development interests include collaborative model driven development and 3D user interfaces.
Our company has very strong roots in research and development. Our experts have years of experience in EU-funded research projects, both in academia and industry. This has granted us the privilege of working with a wide range of partners across the entire European Union.
Looking at 2011 and beyond, our company is now developing its own technologies, in the form of open source projects and upcoming off-the-shelf products. We are currently involved in a large-scale product development project in the medical embedded devices domain, and are always looking forward to further broadening our professional portfolio with the help of our partners.
Have a look at our marketing flyer, featuring a special recommendation here!
Our experts have 5+ years of experience across a range of various software domains:
- Software development
- Business applications based on RCP/RAP (on the client) and OSGi (on the server)
- Model-based techniques
- Software validation and verification, performance profiling and optimization
- Editing and modeling environments
- Code and documentation generation
- Traceability tools
- End-to-end development tools
- Fitting custom needs, based on core Eclipse technologies (Eclipse Modeling Framework, Graphical Editing Framework, Graphical Modeling Framework)
Mobile platforms
- Rapid application development for J2ME, Android and iOS platforms
- Code optimization
- 3D and rich interactive user interfaces
Web application
- Customized applications for embedded systems
- OSGi applications
- Custom J2EE applications
Open source
During the course of our software development projects, the QGears Team came across a number of unresolved and commonly encountered problems. As we rely on a number of excellent open source technologies in our day-to-day work, we wanted to contribute something back to the community. So, in an effort to make everyone's lives easier, we decided to share some of the best solutions we've come up with as open source software.
Before we contribute something to the open source community, we prefer to develop it internally to a level which can then be easily used and adopted by other developers. This selection represents those which have reached the maturity we expect from an open source project.
Find out more at our page at GitHub.
We are always looking for fresh new talent. If you feel like working with a team of young software engineers who enjoy to work closely together in innovative projects, contact us for the following open positions:
Sponsored projects
We believe in investing in the future through education.
QGears sponsors a computer science faculty in local high school.
As the result of co-operation with the Szent István High School, Budapest team an autonomous robot was built.
Find out more